Cheers to Mr. DOI
I always believe that every single person that comes into your life, they come with a purpose. Its either a blessing or a lesson.
He was a boss..
He is a mentor..
He is a friend...
Our encounter, is my blessing.
Many people in this world does not enjoy working and most of us hates Monday because of Monday blue. I used to have the blues and really hated Monday. But its all gone when I joined this company and met Joey- My Vice-Consul. He is a 40-year-old man who doesn't look like 40. A funny, humorous, kind-hearted and caring man. He cares for his people, he cares about us. He always said that we are like his kids and he will always place us close to his heart. I have never met a boss like him, no boss on earth will tell you these isn't it? But only him. I guess, that's what makes him special to all of us.
The day started with a nice sunny weather~
It was 1 March 2013, the first day of a new month...
What's so special about this day? Nothing special to any of you but it is to me, and my colleagues.. and him.
I went to work with a mixture of feelings.. happy and sad. Because, today is his last day at work (official last day will be 2 weeks later), and its our last time seeing him in the office. Its really kinda sad to know that there will be no him to brighten the office with his lame jokes and cheerful laughter, but on the other side, we all know that he is off to a better post. We are happy for him.
That night, we had a date. A date at grill bar.
He always brag about how awesome the food is at grill bar, but I had never tried and has been bugging him to bring us there for makan for almost a year. Finally, he brought us here, on his last day.
#The entrance

When you enter the restaurant, this is what you will see..
#Harley decoration (i suppose, because Joey said Gary only rides Harley) Gary- the owner of the restaurant said that the bike is still working.
# The Photo wall, all bike photos~ so special lo~~
#The menu. This really draws my attention. The hand belong to the chef Gary "Ozzy" Hong.
We leave the share dish order to Joey since he knows the place so well~
#I ordered this. Salmon fish with duno what Parmesan cheese (something along the line, can't remember the full name~ because I can't wait to let it swim inside my stomach!! haha) And guess what? its awesome!! Finger licking good!!!!!
Everyone is having beer and alcohol, only me sticking to soda. Ordered this old style Bickford's Lemon Lime soda. Its nice!
#The star of the night, Joey. He said I purposely place the OLD style bottle there and snap him.. trying to point out that he is old.. *faint this boss really thinks too much~ Why would I say that he is old? he is so young and leng zai (handsome in Cantonese)~~ lol!
Dessert time! This waffle is nice I tell you! and I love how it is presented. It looks like a chess board isn't it? creative point +1!
See! The chocolate is flowing out like lava.. Ohh~ I can't get the taste out of my taste bud~ I MAX love it!
While eating, we chit chat non stop, I played a video that I made for Joey, but due to some p&c content, I will not show it here. I am sorry. But then, after the video presentation, Jaya started to put on all kinds of acting.. He is the drama king la~ what a waste for not joining mediacrop (But he only does this after he drinks..he had 3 bottles of Asahi that night.) haha.. I was too busy holding my stomach laughing and forgot to take video of him.. this video is a super short video that I manage to capture, this can share with you, hehe. He is mimicking a Japanese customer ordering drinks that he met when he works as a waiter in the past.
Jaya: "What do you want for drinks sir?"
Japanese customer: "Hmm.. ORANG JUICE! (pronounce in Malay)"
Hahahaha... we just can't stop laughing.. the way he acts really damn funny..
Time always passed fast during happy moments, soon the time has come where we have to apart and bid goodbye as Joey has another round of appointment at 8.00 pm. So before we dismiss, let's have a photo each with Joey, The Best Boss Ever!
Din with Joey
Rajes and Her God, Joey. Oh~ Rajes is reserved? hahaha
Joey: You better be good Rajes, You are the naughtiest kid among all.
Finally me and Joey. Okay, Joey is trying to do the duck lip thing but he always fail. hahahah~ p.s I had no makeup at all that day as I just had my ECR peeling done so can't put on anything on my face.
Thanks Boss for the treat of that night.
Thanks Boss for hiring me.
Thanks Boss for giving me a chance to be part of this family.
Thanks Boss for guiding me all the way although its only a short period.
Thanks Boss for curing my Monday blue although its coming back again very soon.
Thanks Joey for all the fun and laughter you gave during work.
Thanks Joey, for everything.
As what Wei Jia said...
We may had lost a Boss, but gained a FRIEND!
We love you, and we know.. you LOVE us too! hehe..
All the best in your new journey, you will shine like you always do, even brighter!
P/s: Joey really knows how to touch our hearts.. I went to work on Monday with a not so happy mood and saw this...

P/s: Joey really knows how to touch our hearts.. I went to work on Monday with a not so happy mood and saw this...

Tell me, how can we not be touched?
pp/s: Photos we took using Alicia's fuji insta cam before Joey left..

If you would like to know more...
♥~Live to Dream ♥ Dream to Live~♥
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