Tal Peleg- The Fairy Tales Story Teller
I read newspapers every morning and I access to internet platform everyday. This is how I stay connect to the things happening all around the world and it is how I explore interesting on the other side of the earth.
I love make up. I love how it can enhance a person's look. And there are tons of gurus out there with magical hands. They can use make up to enhance and bring the best out of them and even transform their entire look to someone else!

Michelle Phan

Promise Phan
and the one that I personally am very very "impressed" by her skills.
Let me present you..
the China 画皮姐妮妮

(Guys, told you to check carefully..)
I'm sorry, it's not my intention to spam her photos but what can I say.. I just can't help it! She totally changed the way I look at pretty ladies now.
Okay, I'm way out of the topic. Back to the star today. Today's star wasn't about China make over queen but a wonderful make up story teller from Israel, Tal Peleg!

(The Peacock. Oh my gawt, She is so pretty!)
I came across her work on the papers one day, it's love at first sight! I went online immediately to google her and found her social media, has been stalking her since. She is really creative and totally amazing! Come, Let me show you some of her awesome pieces.
I love make up. I love how it can enhance a person's look. And there are tons of gurus out there with magical hands. They can use make up to enhance and bring the best out of them and even transform their entire look to someone else!

Michelle Phan

Promise Phan
and the one that I personally am very very "impressed" by her skills.
Let me present you..
the China 画皮姐妮妮

(Guys, told you to check carefully..)
I'm sorry, it's not my intention to spam her photos but what can I say.. I just can't help it! She totally changed the way I look at pretty ladies now.
Okay, I'm way out of the topic. Back to the star today. Today's star wasn't about China make over queen but a wonderful make up story teller from Israel, Tal Peleg!

(The Peacock. Oh my gawt, She is so pretty!)
I came across her work on the papers one day, it's love at first sight! I went online immediately to google her and found her social media, has been stalking her since. She is really creative and totally amazing! Come, Let me show you some of her awesome pieces.

The Moomins

I love Sushi

The Princess and the Pea
Top left to right: Snow white, lacey
2nd row Left to right: The Princess and the Frog, Dr. Suess make up look
Bottom left to right: Manic- depression, Color Mania
I really love the way she presents fairy tales on her eye. Very creative! She once again proofs that make up has no limitations, no boundaries as long as you dare to imagine!
I love her creation, and I hope you enjoy her work too.
If you would like to know more, stalk her from the below social media platforms
Instagram: http://instagram.com/tal_peleg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TalPelegMakeUp
Blog: Art of Make Up
UK Daily Mail: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2474803/Make-artist-Tal-Peleg-paints-eyelids-great-stories-fine-detail.html
Disclaimer: All photos in this post were retrieved from Google, they shall belong to it's rightful owner.
Show me some Love~♥


Cat friends gather here-> Instagram inspired-> Steampunk-> The land of tears (The Little Prince)

2nd row Left to right: The Princess and the Frog, Dr. Suess make up look
Bottom left to right: Manic- depression, Color Mania
I really love the way she presents fairy tales on her eye. Very creative! She once again proofs that make up has no limitations, no boundaries as long as you dare to imagine!
I love her creation, and I hope you enjoy her work too.
If you would like to know more, stalk her from the below social media platforms

Instagram: http://instagram.com/tal_peleg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TalPelegMakeUp
Blog: Art of Make Up
UK Daily Mail: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2474803/Make-artist-Tal-Peleg-paints-eyelids-great-stories-fine-detail.html
Disclaimer: All photos in this post were retrieved from Google, they shall belong to it's rightful owner.
Show me some Love~♥
♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥
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